We bring joy to the kitchen!
We are creative entrepreneurs and expert bakers, close to our customers, who enjoy providing easy and
wholesome meals options and memorable moments with family and friends

Tasty is good
For 50 years, we have been producing a variety of unique and flavorful doughs and batters for pies, pizzas, crêpes, pancakes, waffles and cookies.

Healthy is better
Eat better to live better. We spend time choosing ingredients and controlling our products, so that everything we offer is not only delicious, but also nutritious.

Local is best
Being close to our consumers and partners is important to us. We are at the heart of our community to listen and go further.

Passion is everything
A unique spirit, a unique strength: we are all inspired and motivated by the same goal. Make way for innovations and movement!
Local production, global reach
Our products are manufactured in our European and North American factories.
They are sold in over 50 countries.


production plants


business partners
Products for all tastes
and for all brands
Pie, Pizza, Pastry

Crepes, pancakes
and waffles

Cookie dough and ready to eat cookies

Our products reach our consumers’ tables through our customers’ brands and our local Cérélia brands.

Be the world leading partner, expert in dough and batter solutions.

Inspire our consumers to create happy memories of fun times spent in the kitchen with family and friends.

Design a sustainable food model that successfully meets the social and environmental challenges of our generation.
Committed together!
Because the stakes of our times are high, Cérélia has chosen to make its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
approach its priority, organised around four major fields of action, for mankind and for the planet.
Editorial by Guillaume Réveilhac
Until recently, a company’s performance was broadly summed up to its ability to conduct its business and grow to reward shareholders, without much concern for regulation, communities or the environment. In the 2000s, a different approach to society and business emerged however, led by a growing number of scientists, philosophers, and visionary entrepreneurs. This shift marked a decisive end to post‑industrial principles, introducing the need to manage resources differently and protect the commons.
Climate change awareness and recognition of unequal access to resources worldwide have placed the private sector at the heart of the environmental transition. Companies stand out as the sole player able to implement effective change, bringing together ambition, financial means and a capacity to act, through innovation and the global transformation of industrial processes and consumption habits. But can companies solve the paradox between decarbonization and growth ? Can they significantly reduce emissions and dependency to fossil fuel, allthewhile keeping up production, creating jobs and protecting competitiveness?
For food companies, and Cérélia in particular, the challenge is the following: can we respond to population growth, and a demand for products that are both healthier and more affordable, but at the same time make sure we respect our Earth, don’t over-tap natural resources and protect our ecosystems ?
And in doing so, can we also help the men and women working along our supply chains and in our production sites live better, from farm to table?
After a period of careful consideration, some answers are appearing. While we reaffirm our commitments through ambitious, structured initiatives organized into four cardinal points – illustrated in Cérélia’s CSR compass, discussed at length in these pages , we also reflect on the following three fundamental questions: our business model unashamedly founded on growth and profitability , the autonomy of action, and our posture to maximize impact.
With regard to the first point, we at Cérélia have pursued since 2018 massive investment programs focused on industrialization (or reindustrialization), as well as on training and environmental progress. These investments have contributed to consolidating our Group’s industrial profile as resilient, reliable, environmentally responsible, and economically competitive. In practice, we have for several consecutive years invested more than our earnings; our cash flow and ability to finance our own investments are back to satisfactory levels, which will be key if we are to continue investing in the food transition and embark our stakeholders alongside us.
When it comes to autonomy of action, Cérélia was initially developed with the support of private financial investors who trusted in our project, expecting financial returns in short successive cycles. While we worked to meet these requirements, we also brought the company to maturity. Today, our Group is led by a strong team composed of our company founders, experts from within and outside the organization, and which together forms a core longterm shareholder base. It is this very team that will ensure the continuity of our strategic vision, and consistency of our societal and environmental commitments.
Finally, as a company, our posture must achieve the right balance between ambition, fairness, humility, and above all, effectiveness. Our CSR roadmap, inspired by the Paris Agreement’s (COP21) objectives to limit global temperature rise below 2°C by 2050 and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 43% by 2030, has yielded encouraging results at Group level. We need to go further however, which is why we are now shifting our approach, moving-up the value chain and scaling-up in terms of ambition, to tackle regenerative economy and contribute more effectively to transforming our society.
With the urgency to act, also comes the need to accurately measure the progress of all stakeholders – both emitters and storers of greenhouse gases. Countless initiatives are emerging from legislators, the scientific community, NGOs and other organizations such as the SBTi (Science-Based Target Initiative). Core to these initiatives is the concept of carbon neutrality (NET ZERO), which calls for a balance between CO₂ emissions from human activity and CO₂ captured by natural carbon absorbers. While the idea is appealing, the operational model is still too fragile for us to use, especially as we face another regulatory challenge and are working this year and the next to comply with the European CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive).
By promoting responsible consumption and striving to align its economic, social, and ecological missions, companies are called to take on a major role in the transition. Every single one of us, shareholder, client, enduser, employees, wherever our place in our economy, ecosystems or along our value chains, has a duty to reflect on the challenges that must be overcome and propose solutions that measureup to the task, as groundbreaking as these may be.
Guillaume Réveilhac
President & Co-CEO Cérélia group
Join us!
At Cérélia, we put our heart into everything we do.

Samantha FLACH
Production line supervisor,
Sliedrecht, Netherlands
“It’s always nice to say that I work for the largest pancake company in the Netherlands and that we make products for so many countries.”

R&D Manager,
Dole, France
“What makes Cérélia different from other major players of the agrifood industry is the commitment employees show in their daily tasks.”

Ségolène BLANCHE
CSR manager,
Dole, France
“Starting this year, we are going to double our efforts on the cereal chain. We are going to invest a lot of energy reconnecting with all the actors in the chain: farmers, agricultural cooperatives, millers in order to transform their agricultural practices.”

Technical Area specialist safety maintenance
Coordinator, Rivoli, Italy
“I love working in an environment where safety comes first, providing me with every opportunity to do my job well!”