Optimizing our distribution is a daily challenge. Imagination,
initiative and experimentation are at the heart of our organization

Fewer food miles
We always set up our plants
as close as possible to our
customers and consumers.

An agile supply chain
Fresh products are what we are all about, so we do everything in our power to shorten delivery times.Our organization makes it possible to guarantee great reliability in our customers orders forecasts. These converted into a service rate of around 90%, benefit from short reaction and optimised delivery times.

Pooling distribution
We join forces with other manufacturers to maximise our flows and fill trucks, which has a direct impact on reducing carbon emissions.

Energy and environmental performances
We are currently renovating our storage warehouses to improve the energy performance of our refrigeration systems.

Ongoing optimisation
Our distribution network is constantly evolving, as our latest acquisitions allow us to organise our flows better.